Do you need lumber for a furniture or construction project? Montgomery Inc. Tree Service in Macon, GA, provides various wood types and sizes of lumber. Lumber can be used to build just about anything. When you have a project in mind and need rough-cut lumber, count on Montgomery, Inc. Tree Service. Our rough-cut lumber is perfect for:
We want to stress how important trees are to us! Our goal is to save trees, but sometimes, it's inevitable that a tree must be removed or cut down. We aim to get the most use out of the trees that we remove with as little waste as possible. That is why we recycle our wood to produce firewood, wood chips, mulch, and our newest expansion, "unique lumber cuts." We offer various dimensions and species of wood that you won't find at most lumberyards.
When you want to get creative and build something beautiful with your own two hands, please stop by our lumberyard or call us at 478-755-8733.
Phone: 478-755-8733 (TREE)
Phone 2: 478-744-9628
Mailing Address: 769 Nottingham Drive Macon, GA 31211
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